Olympics start early for Macclesfield Scouts at camp

By Guest

26th Jun 2024 | Local News

Macclesfield scouts have part in a Mini-Olympics on Leek Old Road.

Barnswood Campsite was filled with excitement as 500 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and explorers arrived for our biannual District Camp. With a colourful opening ceremony complete with torch parade the Olympics themed camp featured a fun packed programme.

An inventive homage to the infamous Jamaican bobsleigh team saw Scouts racing through the wood on sledges whilst others tried rifle shooting, climbing, martial arts, outdoor music workshops, circus skills and created a huge commemorative mural encouraging the kids to get creative and messy.

Camps like this are an opportunity for young people of all ages and abilities to have fun together, do things out of the ordinary, and get out of their comfort zone in a safe way.

For many in camp it was their first night away from family, this alone is a formative experience. With ages between 5 and 18 on site we take great care to ensure the activities are inclusive and offer something for everyone.

Gone are the days when camp grub was hot pot or bolognese. Volunteers in one group used skills from their Asian heritage to cook up a feast. 4 curries created from scratch during the day with fragrant aromas wafting across the site. After a fun packed day this was a hearty treat. A few more adventurous kids even tried the hottest recipe!

As the evening drew in the forest was filled with song. Macclesfield & Congleton Scouts are renowned for the best campfires and this was no exception. Most songs were led by the young people who clearly relished the opportunity.

Reflecting on a highly enjoyable camp for all, District Lead Volunteer Mike Brown commented that "Events like this are only possible thanks to the 100 or so adult volunteers working together with energy and imagination to make something spectacular happen in a fun and safe way. What's so inspiring is we are seeing a number of faces joining to help.".

Scouting in Macclesfield & Congleton could reach even more young people if you could spare a couple of hours to help your local group. It's never been easier to get involved. Simply visit https://www.mcscouts.org.uk to find out more.


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