Bollington SciBar: The Ancient Egyptians: Mummies, Medicine and Healing Practices
Vale Inn, Adlington Road, Bollington SK10 5JT
UNTIL Monday 13th January
SciBar is science in a bar - an invited speaker gives a talk on a scientific topic while people enjoy a drink or meal, with a Q&A afterwards. Bollington SciBar takes place at the Vale Inn in Bollington.
The speaker in January is Rosalie David, emeritus professor at the University of Manchester.
Topic of the talk: The mummified human remains of the ancient Egyptians preserve a wealth of evidence about their diseases and physical ailments, as well as the medical and pharmaceutical treatments employed to alleviate these conditions. The talk will consider the Egyptians' concept of disease and ill-health; some of the most prevalent afflictions from which they suffered; and the available range of treatments. It will also look briefly at the professional relationship between patients and their physicians, healers and carers. Finally, it will demonstrate how Egypt's legacy, transmitted through Greek, Roman and Arabic sources, became the source for some principles and practices still found in modern 'Western' medicine.
No charge, all welcome, talk begins promptly at 6.30pm.