Bollington SciBar: Are fans the solution to fuel-free flight?
Vale Inn, Adlington Rd, Bollington SK10 5JT
UNTIL Monday 10th February

SciBar is science in a bar - an invited speaker gives a talk on a scientific topic while people enjoy a drink or meal, with a Q&A afterwards. Bollington SciBar takes place at the Vale Inn in Bollington.
The speaker in February is Dr Robert Bolam, Reader in aeronautical engineering at the University of Wrexham.
Topic of the talk is Electric Flight: With flight responsible for 2% of global carbon dioxide emissions and rising, solutions that can help air travel meet net zero are needed. Dr Robert Bolam from Wrexham University will talk about his research into fast fans and whether they can enable fuel-free flight.
Robert will take us from the very first electrical aircraft flight up to the present day and inception of the FAST Fan. This wonderful feat of engineering is sure to make a massive difference to the world of aeronautical engineering.
No charge, all welcome. Vale Inn, Adlington Road, talk begins 6.30pm.