Macclesfield community pub is seeking new management

By Alex Greensmith

8th Dec 2022 | Local News

The pub benefits from being located opposite a convenience store and a lot of residential properties. Contact the phone number and email on this image if you're interested. (Image - Alexander Greensmith / Macclesfield Nub News)
The pub benefits from being located opposite a convenience store and a lot of residential properties. Contact the phone number and email on this image if you're interested. (Image - Alexander Greensmith / Macclesfield Nub News)

Another pub in Macclesfield is after new management.

The Ivy Leaf, of 108 Ivy Road is seeing a new person or people to run it.

It requires an ingoing cost of £3000.

Punch Pubs are looking to find a new publican for the venue.

They estimate earnings could be £32,671 per year.

Punch Pubs had this to say:

"The Ivy Leaf is a traditional pub that needs a community builder to take the helm," they said in a statement.

"Food is a significant part of the offer. Although not complex, it does require absolute attention to detail. You'll have consistently exacting standards and the ability to be hands-on while managing a small kitchen team. That's why catering experience is essential.

"We're looking for Management Partners who put their guests first every time. You'll create a fun atmosphere but communicate respectfully if a guest oversteps the mark. We're also looking for versatility in hosting style for families, couples, regulars, darts, and quiz teams.

"You'll have the self-discipline and the proven track record to ensure positive compliance results and glowing guest reviews. We're looking for talented Management Partner who can use social media in an enticing way to drive footfall and sales.

"You'll be taking the reins of a community venue that looks like an estate pub, which is part of its appeal.

"As a local pub, evenings and weekends are big. You'll draw guests to enjoy mid-week quizzes and games, live sports, and weekend entertainment. Families will love your pub as a safe and enjoyable place to be.

"Guests love the main bar area, and there's a large function room with its own bar, providing endless opportunities for private functions, parties, live entertainment, and live sports. The kitchen and storage areas are also a decent size. You'll also keep the traditional cellar running smoothly.

"Your accommodation on site will help ingratiate you into the local community."

The pub boasts a large carpark, outdoor seating and

Find more about the pub and how you can take it over by clicking here.

See Also: Four more pubs you can take over in Macclesfield right now

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