Macclesfield: The latest on a trio of new units applied for at Hawkshead Quarry

By Belinda Ryan - Local Democracy Reporter

8th Dec 2022 | Local News

Pre-existing businesses at Hawshead Quarry include Extruded Plastics, A M Bell Properties and The Cheshire Cheese Company. (Image - Google)
Pre-existing businesses at Hawshead Quarry include Extruded Plastics, A M Bell Properties and The Cheshire Cheese Company. (Image - Google)

An application for three industrial units at Sutton has been referred to the council's strategic planning board after the northern planning committee went against countryside policy saying it was minded to approve it.

The council's planning officers had recommended councillors refuse the proposal to build the additional units within the existing Hawkshead Heavy Industrial and Haulage Park at Hawkshead Quarry on Leek Old Road because it is in the open countryside.

But the majority of councillors disagreed with the recommendation and instead resolved to approve it.

A final decision will now have to be made by the strategic planning board because that 'approval' was a departure from open countryside policy.

During Wednesday's meeting, ward councillor Andrew Gregory (Ind) said planning policy allowed for development that is essential for the expansion or redevelopment of an existing business.

"If you don't have these units in these local areas, the local area just starts to die out. Local communities, local jobs, local business – that's what this application is all about," said Cllr Gregory, speaking as a visiting member.

He said the new buildings would be built on the lorry park already on the site.

Site owner Stephen Bell said the family-run business had diversified since it was first granted planning permission in 1963.

"We're now seeking to expand the built area on the site to allow ourselves to support our existing tenants and friends within the local community and local businesses who are seeking for the sort of small industrial units which have been squeezed out from our town centres," he said.

The committee was told two local businesses, Fruits of the Forage and the Cheshire Cheese Company, wanted to move into two of the units.

Planning officer Paul Wakefield said councillors had to determine whether the development was 'essential' for the expansion of an existing business and proving it is essential is a high test.

Macclesfield councillor Nick Mannion (Lab) said: "This site has been in industrial, commercial use, it's not open countryside… it's been in virtually continuous non-agricultural use for well over 100 years.

"The proposals, as explained by Mr. Bell, would actually make it less intrusive by removing some of the heavy HGV movement."

Proposing approval he said: "I think the principle of this development I'm happy to support, but I would like to see what conditions we can attach to protect the ancient woodland and to protect the open countryside outside the site."

Cllr Tony Dean (Knutsford, Con) said: "We hear a lot in this particular borough about the problems of rural employment etc. and here we have a golden opportunity in my view."

Macclesfield councillor Alift Harewood (Lab) said the application was for existing hard-standing, there was a bus service and other transport routes.

She seconded the proposal to approve saying: "I feel that the reasons given for refusal have not been sustained."

But Cllr Lesley Smetham (Gawsworth, Con) said environmental concerns had been raised by Cheshire Wildlife Trust, the Woodland Trust and others.

"Also it just goes against our local plan, which seems to me a rather strange thing to do," she said.

Councillors resolved that they were minded to approve the application. Eight voted in favour, two against and one abstained.

The reasons for approval were issues of job creation, the impact on the local economy, the nature conservation and forestry conservation improvements and the land is a long standing industrial site.

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