Macclesfield community thanked for generosity in donating Easter Eggs
Chocolate eggs have put a big smile on the faces of children and NHS key workers in Macclesfield.
By Alex Greensmith
Posted: Thursday, 28th March 2024 1:57 pm

The generosity of Macclesfield's residents has been praised by the Co-op and a trio of charities.
Every Easter, the Co-op in Macclesfield and its customers donate a horde of Easter eggs to be donated to local causes.
It was the idea of Co-op London Road Store Manager David Dundas, and has been running for four years.

This year has seen the largest collection of chocolate eggs yet, with three local institutions to benefit.
The Christie Macclesfield, East Cheshire Hospice and Macclesfield Hospital's children's ward have all received eggs for staff and patients to enjoy.
Lily Preston, Fundraising Manager at East Cheshire NHS Charity said: "We'd like to say a big thank you to staff and customers at local Co-op stores across Macclesfield for the amazing donation of Easter Eggs to the Children's Ward at Macclesfield Hospital."

"We're so grateful for the support of businesses like the Co-op, who continue to help make our NHS that extra special. To find out more about how your business could support East Cheshire NHS, please visit"
Macclesfield Co-op Member Pioneer Louise Little said: "We are so thankful to all the Co-op Members and customers who donated eggs that can be shared between the Hospital children's ward, East Cheshire Hospice and The Christie Macclesfield."
"It will brighten up some patients, some children and some staff's Easter. It is a lovely thing to be able to give people a gift, and we are bowled over by how generous everyone has been."

Luke Oldham, Corporate Fundraiser of East Cheshire Hospice said: "A large part of what we do at the Hospice is to try and make sure that this really difficult time for our patients and our families is dealt with as much dignity and joy as possible."
"So donations like this as this time of year help remind people that there is more going on in their life than the illness and what they are dealing with. It just sheds that bit of extra light in what our patients are going through, and their families. It really does mean a huge amount to them, and to our hard-working staff as well it is going to go a long way.
"Thank you for making this Easter really special for us."

Macclesfield London Road Store Manager David Dundas added: "This is a great opportunity to support the community. Thanks to all the local Co-op Members and Customers who have helped support this, especially when times are hard, we have still had a lot of eggs donated. It shows that Macclesfield has a great community spirit."
Co-op Membership can help you save money on chocolate Easter eggs, and key groceries. You can also earn rewards, and generate cash for local causes in your community.
If you want to become a Co-op Member, it costs just £1, and you can find more ON THIS LINK.
