Music legend and environmental campaigner Feargal Sharkey comes to Macclesfield

By Nub News Reporter

25th Jun 2024 | General Election 2024

Derry-born rockstar Feargal Sharkey OBE, pictured in front of Macclesfield's Labour candidate for the general election Tim Roca.
Derry-born rockstar Feargal Sharkey OBE, pictured in front of Macclesfield's Labour candidate for the general election Tim Roca.

A former punk star has made a public appearance in Macclesfield for the general election - and it isn't one of The Macc Lads.

Feargal Sharkey has visited Macclesfield to highlight water pollution and back Labour's Tim Roca as the next MP for Macclesfield in the July 4 election.

The singer turned environmental campaigner Feargal Sharkey, who highlights the state of Britain's rivers and seas, came to Macclesfield yesterday to meet Tim Roca.

The Undertones vocalist, campaigner and President of Labour's Environment Campaign – SERA met local Labour campaigners and the public to highlight the pollution in the River Bollin. 

(Image - Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license Flickr (Phillie Casablanca) / Unchanged)

The A Good Heart singer also has a hobby as a fly fisherman, so his involvement in aqua-based activism has not come out of nowhere.

According to a statement from the Labour Party: "The [celebrity visit] is in support of candidates who are members of Labour's Environment Campaign and are standing for Labour on July 4."

"It is also to highlight the disgraceful state of the UKs rivers and seas after 14 years of neglect by the Tory government and profits over people recklessness from the profiteering water companies."

"The last government - in power for 14 years, were told by the highest court in Europe 12 years ago they were acting illegally. What did they do in response? Little if anything and delivered even less. 

Tim Roca previously stood for parliament in 2015, but was not elected.

"In November of 2021, the previous MP here [David Rutley, Conservatives], voted and approved the government's totally discredited and failed sewage bill and that's why United Utilities last year spent almost 3500 hours dumping sewage into your backyards.

"Tim and a new Labour government have promised to put a stop to this. That's why we need to make sure this man becomes the first Labour MP for Macclesfield but also that we get a Labour government on July 4th."

Tim is one of seven candidates vying to become Macclesfield's next MP.

Tim Roca, Labour's parliamentary candidate for Macclesfield said: "People across the Macclesfield area are horrified with sewage dumping in our precious rivers, and the lack of action by the Conservatives to tackle it.

There is nine days to go until the general election.

Labour will put failing water companies in special measures, force them to clean up their mess, and where necessary pursue criminal charges against water bosses."

Co-Chairs of Labour's Environment Campaign Ken Penton and Lisa Trickett said: "This campaign could not be clearer – it's time for change and the back of this Tory government so we can put nature and our environment back at the centre of the government's priorities." 

"Only a Labour government, led by Keir Starmer, will protect our vital waterways – the rivers and seas that we love and rely on. We will be working hard with Feargal to highlight the mess – literally – that the Tories have made of our waters and to elect a change of government with a change of policy. We look forward to working with Tim Roca to ensure that Labour clean up our rivers and beaches. 

"Britain's waters need a fresh start.

Water near Danes Moss Railway Bridge, Gawsworth, Macclesfield. (Image - Macclesfield Nub News)

"The last government - in power for 14 years, were told by the highest court in Europe 12 years ago they were acting illegally. What did they do in response? Little if anything and delivered even less. We need change and we need it now and we need it to happen on July 4th."

Tim Roca will be on the ballot paper alongside Stephen Broadhurst (Reform UK), Neil Christian (Liberal Democrats), Dickie Fletcher (Social Democratic Party), Amanda Iremonger (Greens), David Rutley (Conservatives), Christopher Wellavize (Independent).

Read more about the July 4 election in Macclesfield on THIS LINK.

In other water-based news, the Macclesfield Canal is shut in Bollington currently, from bridges 26 to 27, as repairs are taking place.


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