Cheshire East Green Party ready for general election in Macclesfield
The fourth most popular political party in Macclesfield are ready for a general election.
Cheshire East Greens have called for a general election in wake of Boris Johnson resigning.
The Cheshire East Green Party responded to Macclesfield Nub News' request for comment, following Mr Johnson's announcement on Thursday.
Responding to the news that Boris Johnson is resigning as Prime Minister, Cheshire East Green Party co-Chair Melanie English said the following statement.
"That it has taken so long and so many scandals for us to reach this stage is a travesty," she said.
"I hope that Boris Johnson's resignation will bring to an end this shameful and unedifying period of British politics.
"It is clear though that this resignation has come far too late to avoid doing lasting damage to our democracy and country at large, and the Conservative MPs - including some Cheshire East representatives - who have backed him until now are the ones to blame for that.
"For too long, the Tories have allowed the situation to drag on while protecting a Prime Minister who has lied and lied again in order to cling on to power despite the fact it was rendering the government useless during multiple crises.
"The British public cannot forget the damage the Conservative Party as a whole has wilfully inflicted on this country in the middle of a pandemic, a cost of living crisis and the accelerating climate crisis.
"Boris Johnson was not just one bad apple, the whole tree is rotten. The public have lost confidence in this government and that is why it is so important that we now have a general election to give people a say on how they want their country to be run."
The Green Party have consistently pulled in over 1000 votes in the Macclesfield constituency since 2015.
The Green Party finished fourth out of four candidates in the 2019 election, and fourth out of five candidates in the 2017 election.
Their record showing was in 2015, where Joan Plimmer won 2,404 votes (4.8%) share of the vote.
Their most recent candidate was James Booth, but it is unclear who would stand for the party ahead of a prospective election.
Macclesfield has been held by the Conservatives for 104 years, the current MP is David Rutley, who has been elected four times since 2010.
There is no confirmation of an upcoming general election, which could be held after the conclusion of the national Tory leadership contest.
The Green Party have 6 Town Councillors across the Cheshire East borough.
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