Extra police training to protect Macclesfield and Cheshire East politicians

By Alex Greensmith

11th Dec 2021 | Local News

They'll be extra police protection of Macclesfield MP David Rutley and other Cheshire East MPs.

Cheshire Police officers have received extra training to safeguard high profile figures following the killing of Sir David Amess MP, Cheshire East's police commander said.

Supt Peter Crowcroft was reassuring councillors at a meeting of the scrutiny committee following the death of the popular Conservative MP in October, who was buried last month.

"Operation Bridger is your national operation, which looks at safeguarding MPs around Cheshire East, so we get information around public events and where they're holding the surgeries, so we can just give that reassurance really," said the police boss.

"Our officers have been re-briefed around signs to look for.

"We work in partnership, because every incident that occurs, when you debrief it, you always find that there was something in the community, some comment that might have been made that could have been picked up on, so we've made sure that officers and PCSOs have been re-trained in some of those signs to spot, so we'll keep doing that, keep giving support."

Supt Crowcroft said it was important that democratically elected people had the freedom to engage with constituents without a police presence.

"We completely understand that and we'll make sure, as we do with everything, before we change tack or we do anything that might impact on yourselves, that we do maintain those lines of communication," he said.

Security was tightened in October at Cheshire East's first full council meeting since the killing of Sir David Amess.

The meeting took place in Macclesfield on Priory Lane.

Guards were outside the door throughout the meeting and all bags were checked before anyone was allowed inside the hall at Macclesfield Leisure Centre.

See also: Macclesfield: David Rutley pays tribute to "incredibly warm" MP Sir David Amess.

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