OPINION: 'While frustrations about the future of Macclesfield are valid, I believe in our town, its businesses and its people'

Trust in Politicians is at an all-time low. The national picture is disillusioning for many, and local issues persist. And I get it. I feel frustrated, not at individuals, but at the untapped potential of our town.
I often see comments on social media about how the Town Centre is 'dead'. That couldn't be more wrong. Nationally, the old model for Town Centres is dead, yes. Gone are the days where the big businesses like M&S, Woolworths (much missed to this day!) and McDonalds want a presence on most high streets. Sure, there will be exceptions to this, as there always are. But Macclesfield isn't one of those and we must accept it.
Barracks Mill was, in many ways, the final nail in the coffin for this model locally. Cheshire East Council – to their credit – opposed it all those years ago, but the Government overturned it. But it is here to stay, and we must accept that. And it is a representation of the way shopping habits have changed over the 15-20 years or so. Whilst many of us may not like out-of-town retail parks, they exist for a reason. They offer convenience, just as our Sainsburys or Tesco Superstores do in their units outside of the town centre. And for big businesses, they're far better premises. Look at M&S for example – a company whose recent change-of-direction has led to them experiencing huge growth. They were a struggling business nationally, and locally it was a terrible shame that all-too-often, it wasn't seeing the footfall it needed. I look at Stockport town centre, which was in a similar position. M&S closed because it wasn't making enough money and they needed to adapt. It was devastating for the town centre, but they've recovered by adapting. We must too. So, looking back to Barracks Mill, it is hugely popular, which proves M&S correct, as unfortunate as it is.
But our Town Centre is being kept alive by the dozens of independent, local businesses. Personally, my partner and I go to Flour, Water, Salt every weekend for their wonderful coffees and baked goods - I even buy my coffee beans from there! When we look after my partner's family dog, we go to B&V on Chestergate for some treats, and for a nice night out we have brilliant local bars and pubs such as The Fountain or The Castle. For date nights, we often venture out of the town centre and up Buxton Road to visit Tommy's Pizza (where you can also find the amazing Yas Bean, Early Bird Bakes, and others!). There's also the regionally famous Picturedrome with its diverse range of options. If you want to book the holiday of a lifetime, we've got Richard and the team at Henbury Travel. These are just a few of the many brilliant local businesses who are keeping Macclesfield alive, and there are so many more.
The Indoor Market houses many brilliant local traders too, and thanks to collaborative efforts, it is already looking much better as its refurbishment takes place. And providing toilets in our town-centre has been something that has been needed for many years – this has been made possible by the Town Council and Cheshire East working together to fund them, with the toilets also being Changing Places-certified.
Many experts agree that the key to revitalising town centres is to embrace the independents, whilst positioning them as mixed-use, with a strong residential, office, retail and hospitality offering creating the perfect mix. We desperately need to see more town-centre housing, in my view, as well. Providing good workspaces will enable more businesses to invest in our town centre too. Both will enable us to build on our already-brilliant hospitality and retail offering. But anything that is done must be done in the right way, for the right reasons. Too many failed schemes have set us back, but we must now look to the future.
Everyone has different expectations for what they want from their town centre, but I'm proud that Macclesfield hasn't fallen down the un-sustainable path of being a Clone Town lacking in spirit, individualism, and character. We are a town with a unique history, with Silk production, the Hovis Mill and of course, the infamous Treacle-spillage story. I'm proud that (pending final board approval), I will be the new Interim Vice-Chair of the Silk Heritage Trust (who are responsible for the Silk Museum, Paradise Mill, and the Heritage Centre), and I am proud of the work that the charity does to educate, inform, and amplify the town's history.
As a Councillor, I have also led our innovative Free Bus Days initiative, which sees us working with the local operator to ensure all buses in the town are free on days we host free family events. These days have been hugely successful and prove the vital nature of public transport in support the vitality of the town centre. As someone who's career is working within Transport, I am passionate about improving our local services and will always advocate for residents to have the top-class services we absolutely deserve. This is another piece of the complex jigsaw.
As a Town Council, we don't have anything to do with bin collections, highways etc. Those are the responsibilities of Cheshire East Council. All our Councillors are volunteers, taking no salary or pensions etc. And our role is to be community leaders and do everything we can to improve each of Macclesfield's 7 wards. We put on our ever-popular free family events such as the 1261 Festival, Do Something Summer and Christmas celebrations. We provide 'Glow-up Grants' to support businesses in improving their shopfronts. As Vice-Chair of Planning, I sit on the committee that is a statutory consultee on all local planning applications – scrutinising and offering our support or objections (such as our recent objection to the application to develop over 200 homes off Prestbury Road). We offer grants to charities and businesses to support their operations. And we are also responsible for the regeneration of the South Park Pavillion - with works due to begin this year! The latest update on the Pavillion works can be found in our Full Council Papers here: https://www.macclesfield-tc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/11.-South-Park-Pavilion-Update-Report.pdf.
Our history is that of a town that embraces its quirks and its uniqueness. And that is why I am a proud Maxonian from birth. And that is why I have twice stood for election to represent the town. Being a Town Councillor for Macclesfield Central gives me the honour of representing the Town Centre and its surrounding areas – the ward I grew up in and live in now. And it pains me to see so many people talk down our town because I truly believe in it. I wouldn't be a Councillor if I didn't.
I will never pretend to have all the answers. I simply don't. But what I will always do is listen. You may hate me and my colleagues. You may hate the party I was elected under. You may feel that Councillors are 'idiots', 'corrupt' or 'scum', as I often see us being described on social media. Indeed, I often see people saying we should be 'hung' or 'shot'. I'm not writing this in defence of Councillors because often, we will get it wrong – I certainly do! But I am writing in defence of our town. As I say, everyone has different expectations and beliefs, and this, to me, is something to be embraced. But only by working together, can we do this. When I stood for election, I pledged to always listen and engage. I will never renege on this. We may not agree, and I may not be able to fix things, but I will always do everything I can for my town.
If you have time, I encourage people to come to Town Council meetings (advertised on our website here: https://www.macclesfield-tc.gov.uk/your-council/council-meetings/), and if you are a resident or business in Macclesfield Central, my email inbox is always open, so do get in touch at: james.barber-chadwick@macclesfield-tc.gov.uk.
I believe in our town, its people, and its businesses. Whilst you may not agree with what I have said in this article, I urge you to back our town and work with me and others to ensure Macclesfield is the thriving town it deserves to be.
Councillor James Barber-Chadwick (Macclesfield Central)
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