Feed your brain with Macclesfield willwriter's facts about wills

Macclesfield willwriting firm Moneybox Wills and Trusts like to spotlight the lighter side of writing a will.
A will can be a really positive thing, it sets your family up for the future and gives you peace of mind.
To communicate this lighter side of getting your will done, they share facts about the willwriting industry, that will go down well with your morning brew.
Previous factoids can be read HERE and HERE.
And this week, we have got some corkers for you.
Here are four more fascinating facts about wills.
These facts are told to Macclesfield Nub News by Moneybox Wills and Trusts Joe Etherington, who is based in Tytherington.
Salty Urn

We all know the tagline 'Once you pop you can't stop.'
Well, the creator of the Pringles can certainly thought so.
When he passed away in 2008, Fred Baur left instructions in his Will that he should be buried in his famous tubular tin.
His family honoured this by cremating him (Presumably he was too big to fit in whole) and putting part of his ashes in the can and burying it.

Not quite as glamorous as Sandra West being buried in her Ferrari, but pretty cool none the less.
I'm not sure if thinking about Pringles (other tasty snacks are available) is making me hungry or I'm put off them for life now.
He was buried in an Original Flavour red can.
The rest of his remains were placed in an urn buried along with the can, or given away to family members.
The 90-year-burial

When Hannah Beswick died in 1758 she was terrified of being buried alive.
So scared, that she left instructions for her doctor to ensure that she was definitely dead.
For extra measure, Hannah's doctor did not bury her.
Instead he mummified and wrapped the old lady in tar-infused bandages, leaving her face uncovered and peeping out from a grandfather clock.
Once a year, according to the wishes in her will, he formally examined his patient to confirm she was still dead. But it gets better...
This doctor left the mummy to a doctor friend in his will, which was later bequeathed to a museum.
Hannah was finally give a proper burial in Manchester in 1868, when it was agreed, 90 years after she died – that she was actually dead.
I don't know about you, but I am wondering why it took 90 years?
And why the first doctor kept it up so long?
Imagine my shock when I came across this beauty.
That's a Whole Lot of Change

£3.85 Billion!
That is the amount of money Brits left to charities in a will in 2022. You could have a huge impact.
Did you know that 6 out of 10 RNLI rescue launches are funded by charitable legacies?
Or that almost 2 in 3 Guide dogs are too?
Charitable giving is a major source of revenue for charities like Cancer Research UK (CRUK), Macmillan Cancer Support and Dogs Trust. Without such, their future works could not happen.
Next time you update your will, remember a charity that has supported a loved one of your own and consider leaving a small legacy in thanks.
A small amount to you makes a huge difference to others.
Time is Ticking

Five years. A cracking David Bowie song, but also a unit of time.
A lot can happen in five years. This time five years ago, COVID-19 was still a year away, and Macclesfield Nub News didn't even exist.
But as well as a nostalgic amount of time, five years can be quite an alarming one.
According to the The Association of Lifetime Lawyers, nearly half of UK wills are out of date.
By having your willwriter being based in the town you live in (Macclesfield) you can seamlessly make updates when you please by arranging to visit Joe.

Moneybox Wills and Trusts offer a complimentary advice serivce to answer any questions and help you to make the most out of your will.
And that was it! Which fact was your favourite?
You can get in touch with Moneybox Wills and Trusts by calling 01625 573521, or emailing [email protected].
Macclesfield: Find more about Moneybox Wills and Trusts on their website.
