Event of the week: Music Returns to Macclesfield - Matthew Sharp and the Northern Chamber Orchestra

With society slowly and safely reopening, more and more events are being added to the Macclesfield Nub News Events section.
Every seven days, we will be profiling the best Macclesfield event of the week. Today, we celebrate the return of live music to our town.
The Northern Chamber Orchestra will play at The Heritage Centre, Macclesfield with world-renowned cellist Matthew Sharp.
Two performances will be held on Saturday 22 May 5.30pm and 8.00pm, and include works by Tchaikovksy, Mozart, Holst, Puccini and Warlock.
The award-winning solo cellist, opera singer and director spoke to Macclesfield Nub News ahead of the return of live music in Macc.
"I'm excited to get back in a room with an audience. I also know the Northern Chamber Orchestra artists well, and it will be great to see them in person after all this time," said Matthew.
"Tchaikovsky's Rococo Variations is an exquisite, uplifting and deeply soulful piece of music. The Mozart Catalogue Aria fabulous (and a little bit filthy, too). I am looking forward to playing with as much open-hearted generosity as I can."
The Macclesfield Heritage Centre, which will host the performance, is located on Roe St.
It is not the first time the multi-talented baritone has been to Macclesfield. He has played here previously, and his cousin also lives here.
A year in enforced decompression has really given me space and time to get back in touch with first principles and fundamentals, stripping back the outward show to really amplify what I believe music and performance is all about", he added.
"I am really burning to explore a renewed sense of vulnerability and directness in the music-making and 'laying it on the line' even more than I used to."
Following a grant from the Cultural Recovery Fund, the Northern Chamber Orchestra have plans in the pipeline for a full season of concerts in Manchester and Macclesfield beginning in September 2021. Details will be announced in the weeks to follow this weekend's concert.
There will also be unlimited online streaming priced at £15 per household for those who miss out or want to watch the event again.
This after-concert broadcast can be purchased between Sunday 23 May and Sunday 30 May.
As the event will be socially distanced, a limited number of tickets are available. So those interested should not hesitate to get it booked.
Tickets and streaming passes can be purchased from this link.
While he will be playing Tchaikovsky and Mozart at the event, Matthew is a revered artist in his own right. After performing in Macclesfield, Matthew Sharp will release his album Rough Magic this November. You can listen to his recordings on Spotify. Are you attending Saturday's event? Get your tickets here.Sign up for our Friday weekly newsletter containing that week's top 10 Macclesfield news stories. Just enter your email address into the shaded box.
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