Macclesfield MP David Rutley reveals intention to stand in next General Election

By Alex Greensmith

2nd Jan 2023 | Local News

David Rutley MP: The Conservative's vote share percentages in the last four elections have been 52.5 in 2019, 52.7 in 2017, 52.5 in 2015 and 47.0 in 2010. (Image - CC 3.0 Chris McAndrew Flipped
David Rutley MP: The Conservative's vote share percentages in the last four elections have been 52.5 in 2019, 52.7 in 2017, 52.5 in 2015 and 47.0 in 2010. (Image - CC 3.0 Chris McAndrew Flipped

Despite being over a-year-and-a-half away, politicians across the country are being asked about whether they are going to stand to be an MP. 

MPs from the major parties had to make a decision by the end of December as to whether they would be standing in the next General Election.

The election is likely to be in the summer of 2024 if following previous election date trends, and held no later than January 2025, but no date has been confirmed of yet.

It could be sooner, should Rishi Sunak feel the need to take Britain to the polls.

Macclefield MP David Rutley outside Macclesfield Town Hall on Remembrance Day last year.

Macclesfield MP David Rutley has responded to Macclesfield Nub News' requests to whether he will stand again.

In a statement responding he said: "Just to confirm that I will be standing at the next General Election."

This means the Conservative who has represented Macclesfield in Westminster since 2010, will be standing in his fifth General Election to become Macclesfield's MP.

In the 2019 General Election, the 61-year-old ranked first of all candidates with 28,292 votes out of Macclesfield's electorate of 76,216.

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman meets with Under Secretary David Rutley in London, England on December 5, 2022. (Image - U.S. Department of State

The long-serving Macclesfield MP has been Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Americas and Caribbean since October 2022.

Before his 13-year stint in Parliament began, Rutley was a businessman and advisor.

He also stood in the 1997 General Election for St Albans, Hertfordshire, but was not elected.

This means that the UK's next General Election will be Rutley's sixth run for Westminster.

The next United Kingdom general election is scheduled to be held no later than January 2025. However, it is likely that it will follow recent elections by taking place in May or June. (Image - Nub News)

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