UP CLOSE: With Macclesfield's One Project Ukraine exactly two years after invasion of country

By Imogen Strickland

24th Feb 2024 | Local News

Jeanette and Craig in Ukraine, on one of their many aid deliveries. (Image - One Project Ukraine)
Jeanette and Craig in Ukraine, on one of their many aid deliveries. (Image - One Project Ukraine)

A couple who founded one of the two Macclesfield Ukraine aid groups has spoken to Nub News two years since the day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the 24th of February.

Macclesfield resident Jeanette Rice, who is also a host in the Homes for Ukraine scheme, is the co-founder of One Project Ukraine.

She has made multiple trips to Ukraine delivering goods, and has sent hundreds of shoebox gifts two Christmases running.

(Image - One Project Ukraine)

Macclesfield Nub News chatted to Jeanette and her partner Craig to find out more.

"Recently, with all of the other horrible things in the world at the moment, Ukraine isn't in the media as much," Jeanette said.

"But it's very much happening still.

(Image - One Project Ukraine)

"I can see a lot more because I'm closer to Ukrainians, who can show me different things that are on their [media] channels.

"It's so sad, it's just heart-breaking seeing some of the families who don't want to leave their homes on the Eastern side of Ukraine, what's happening to them and what they're living through every day."

When asked how she will mark the solemn day, Jeanette responded "We have a Ukrainian Café that we hold every Saturday at St Michael's Church."

The Ukrainian community cafe at St. Michael's Church. (Image - One Project Ukraine)

"Our local Ukrainian community all meet, and have a coffee and a chat.

"I'll be spending the morning with them."

Jeanette, a Macclesfield local who used to own Gradus on Park Green but has since retired, now focuses her time co-running One Project Ukraine. An important part of their work is sending items to Ukraine.

(Image - One Project Ukraine)

"We've been tailoring all the way along what we send. As it is based on what they ask us, it's changing constantly."

While they primarily send medical aid, with a recent call for stoma bags, One Project Ukraine also sends food, portable stoves and solar chargers.

"We're currently sending humanitarian aid every couple of weeks," Jeanette expanded.

(Image - One Project Ukraine)

"We use a Ukrainian courier. He would come every Friday if we'd let him, but I have to fundraise to be able to send the aid."

One Project Ukraine's JustGiving can be found here.

Jeanette and Craig don't just support people within Ukraine, they also support the local Ukrainian community in Macclesfield.

Jeanette and Craig Rice. (Image - Alexander Greensmith / Macclesfield Nub News)

"The families here, they're all moving from their hosts now, and finding their own homes.

"So Craig's travelling everywhere to source tables and beds and sofas, you name it."

One Project Ukraine also collect and deliver donations from Macclesfield residents.

(Image - One Project Ukraine)

Donations can also be dropped off at Unit 15, Turnock Street, Macclesfield SK11 7AP.

"We've done everything from violins; we've done a piano which was quite a feat getting a piano up the first floor!" Craig proclaimed.

"You name it we've sourced it."

(Image - One Project Ukraine)

Jeanette often uses an app called NextDoor to ask for donations. 

The Ukrainian community in Macclesfield are really grateful for One Project Ukraine.

"Whenever we would go round delivering, there'd be a pan of borscht on and they're wanting to feed us to say thank you for what we've done," said Jeanette

"[Ukrainian culture] it's very hospitable," added Craig.

A record amount of shoeboxes was sent from Macclesfield to Ukrainian children at Christmas. (Image - One Project Ukraine)

One Project Ukraine has also been running a successful Christmas shoebox gift appeal since 2022.

"[In 2022] we ended up sending 650 boxes which I thought was amazing," Jeanette said.

"But this year [2023] we did the appeal again and our final total was 1,151.

(Image - One Project Ukraine)

"The generosity of our community was incredible!" Jeanette recalled.

"We covered all the age groups for children so we had specific boxes for specific people; boxes for girls, boxes for boys," Craig explained.

They were also able to send 86 adult shoeboxes for soldiers with the help of Tameside Parachute Regiment.

(Image - One Project Ukraine)

Jeanette and Craig have been astounded at the response from the Macclesfield community over the past two years.

"It's been overwhelming, we couldn't have asked for more."

The couple are also grateful for the support from One Project Macclesfield and a local group from Glossop.

(Image - One Project Ukraine)

"We kind of said to ourselves towards the end of last year: is this going to tail off a bit because of the economic environment," Jeanette revealed.

"And it hasn't. We feel like it we're getting busier!"

One Project Ukraine have also hinted at exciting fundraising plans for the coming year.

Macclesfield: You can also follow them on Instagram.


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