- Accountants
- Artistic Services
- Arts
- Arts & Crafts
- Barber Shops
- Beauty
- Builders
- Building Maintenance
- Business Services
- Cafes & Restaurants
- Cards & Gifts
- Cars
- Charities
- Community
- Computer Services
- Computing/IT/Web Design
- Convenience Stores
- Digital Marketing
- Drama
- Education/Tutoring
- Electricians
- Estate Agents
- Fitness
- Funeral Directors
- Garden Services
- Hairdressers
- Health & Beauty
- Health & Safety
- Health & Well-being
- Health and Fitness
- Health Services
- Home Appliance Repairs
- Home Health Care
- Home Improvements
- Home Maintenance
- Insurance & Financial Services
- Interiors
- IT Services
- Local Food & Drink
- Massage/Spa/Beauty
- Music
- Music Lessons
- Opticians
- Painters & Decorators
- Plumbing & Heating
- Pubs & Clubs
- Roofers
- Shops (Food)
- Shops (Non Food)
- Sport & Leisure
- Taxis
- Transport
- Vets/Animal Services
- Web Design
- Will Writers

Have you ever looked at the poverty, hunger and injustice in the world - and wished you had the power to do something - anything - about it? Have you ever wondered how you can influence politicians? The experienced campaigners at RESULTS Cheshire may have something for you. We are the local branch of www.RESULTS.org.UK. We believe passionately in an end to poverty by 2030 in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and we have had several campaigning successes - which means that we have influenced Government policy.