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- Vets/Animal Services
- Will Writers

We invite you to visit us and experience our warm, welcoming atmosphere. Whether you need a fresh new cut, vibrant colour, or our signature keratin treatments, we are here to cater to all your hair needs.

We are the official supplier of Aderans Wigs & Toppers in Macclesfield and surrounding areas.

Offering services such as Hair extensions, nano , micro, keratin bonds, Invisi-tape, invisi-weft, weft, slimline tape hair extensions, hair up do, hair cuts, colour and recolour, highlights and lowlights, balayage, and best spoke treatments, restyle, blow-drys and many other more services, in a very relaxing atmosphere.

Macclesfield based hair salon, offering Precision Cutting, Master colouring, Nanokeratin straightening and RemiCachet hair extensions.

A beautiful standalone, home salon in Macclesfield, I only see one client at a time so you never feel hurried or have to share my time with other clients.