Macclesfield 83-year-old to run two marathons in a week for The Christie

An Macclesfield great-grandad is running two marathons just one week apart - to raise vital funds for The Christie Macclesfield.
Harry Newton (83) has ran almost 40 marathons for charity - and will run two more this year.
He will run the London Marathon on Sunday October 3, and take part in the Great Manchester run the following Sunday.
He'll cover 52.2 miles, and run for eleven hours, all to fundraise for The Christie cancer treatment unit opening in Macclesfield.

"I started running when I was still working at the age of 57 with the aim to run in the London Marathon," he recalled.
"My first marathon was a bit of a disaster - but after that it got better.
"I've done 16 actual London Marathons, one virtual one, and 20 proper marathons altogether with a few other non-London virtual ones as well."
For his next two marathons, Harry has raised £477 so far on JustGiving, but aims to raise over £1,000.

In the past, his charity 26-milers have raised £50,000 for local causes such as East Cheshire Hospice, but The Christie is a cause especially close to his heart.
"I had treatment at The Christie in Manchester in 2008, when I had a lymphoma," he said.
"This led to me having six months therapy travelling to The Christie Manchester, and the service there was marvellous. I've been in remission since 2009.
"The people there were fantastic. You almost look forward to going because they are such nice people, strangely enough.

"We are so lucky to be getting The Christie in Macclesfield."
Harry runs every other day - for which he starts with a hearty bowl of porridge, packed with protein and slow-release carbohydrates.
His training around Macclesfield aims to complete 25 miles a week, in anticipation for the two 26.4 mile races he will complete next month.
Harry is driven by targets and numbers, which harks back to his career as a Macclesfield Grocer and business-owner.

"My last marathon time was five-and-a-half hours, which is a good time for over 80s," he added.
"And I've managed to keep up with my age range up to now. So if all goes well I'm aiming to get below that again to be good enough for next year.
"I've also set myself a target this year to run 2021 kilometres in 2021.
"That means I'll have to run 105 miles a month - and I'm currently ahead of target."

The local super-athlete has always lived in the Macclesfield area, having grew up near Siddington, and has lived in town since 1961.
The Broken Cross resident is a retired Grocer and Postmaster. He had shops at Bollinbrook Post Office, Earlsway on the Weston Estate, and South Park Road.
He now spends his time mostly with his wife Phyllis, training for these epic charity runs, or performing in the Macclesfield Male Voice Choir.
As well as his partner, Harry is supported by his three children, five grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren.
But he needs Macc's help to raise money for the new Macclesfield The Christie.
"Thank you to the people of Macclesfield for their support," Harry also said.
"Your support and donations to support The Christie charity will give me inspiration to keep going when the going gets tough."
You can donate by clicking the link here.
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