Save money on advertising and join our FREE Macclesfield business directory

Macclesfield: Give your company a free advert on our Macclesfield business directory
Did you know you can advertise your business on Macclesfield Nub News for FREE?
At Macclesfield Nub News, we encourage local businesses to add their details to our Local List.
It is a cost-free way to promote your business any time of year.
We want to support our wonderful array of local businesses and champion Macclesfield's independent spirit by create a comprehensive business directory for both residents and visitors to find services, shops, eateries, bars, hairdressers and more.
So, add your details today and have a permanent little advert on our website. Over 200 Macclesfield companies have joined.
Simply visit and click the 'Nub It' button.
We also shout out any businesses on our Local List on our Macclesfield Nub News social media pages.
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